Signs of Learning Difficulties
Everyone has their own unique strengths and weaknesses therefore not all of the below characteristics may apply.
The Challenges…
- Underachieving at National Standards/ NCEA
- Underachieving at school/ course work/ work
- Large gap between oral and written work
- Need more repetitions than peers
- Learns something one moment, gone the next
- Poor sense of direction – left & right
- Suffers low self-esteem
- Good oral skills but difficulties, transferring to written work
- Difficulty reading unfamiliar words
- Has difficulty with eye tracking and co-ordinating the eyes
- Challenges with following instructions and short term memory
- Difficulties with making letter/sound links
- Reversed letters or numbers b/d/ 13/31
- Misses lines or words when reading
- Easily tires during reading or writing tasks
- Struggles to copy from the board
- High avoidance of reading/ writing tasks
- Difficulty starting and completing work
- Distracted easily and or difficulty concentrating
- Easily distracted
- Easily frustrated